🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (2025)

So, hi! As promised I'll be giving you a run for your money as the thing your about to witness is TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS. I should point out that it was HARD unlike the top with opening as I remembered most of it and coming to endings... Well, I skipped most of them... Hehehe :satisfied: Nonetheless...

#LunaTops :full_moon_with_face:




:clapper: GO MOJI NO KOI NO YUKUE :clapper:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (1)

Huh, you know I was always against plagiarism and copyright. A-1 Pictures reminded me why since they basically used the same shots which were in the OVA!!! NO UNIQUE VISUALS!!!

All covered with a dull slow song! No offence, but I suppose they decided to slack off here quite a lot.


ED 7

:cat2: LONELY PERSON :cat2:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (2)

Edolas... You are an amazing arc, but your endings truly suck. You should ashamed of yourself!

Carla ending is hated for a reason. A-1 Pictures wanted us to feel pity for her, but due to her behavior in the anime itself, it's hard to feel anything for the exceed.

The music is sad, but... It doesn't make anything better... The visuals are at times cute and at other time... Not the best in a world...

Also funny that it's name has 'person' in it, but it is about an exceed.


ED 8

:umbrella: DON'T THINK! FEEL :umbrella:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (3)

When I first heard this kick-ass music in the beginning (You can hear it in episode 98) I thought 'Yeah, something good is about to happen!', but...

We got a Lisanna ending...

You can't imagine my disappointment back then! It's not that I really hate Lisanna, but I was so angry on her back then.

All in all, the ending has some minor flaws, but it is not bad. I can't put it higher due to personal disappointment.


ED 16

:star2: KOKORO TO KAGI :star2:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (4)

Here it's same with ED 8. I heard that cool tragic music and I thought that something cool is 'bout to happen and yet...

I got some dull slow music and a moving picture of Erza in bed... Huh...

Only when I was rewatching all ending did I saw what it was at first and it still didn't impress me. I suppose there are those who like, but I just ain't one of them. Sorry!


ED 9

:fist: KONO TE NOBASHITE :fist:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (5)

Natsu ending... Ending of my favourite character... Sucks?

I dunno, but here it was done a little bit crappy. Natsu surely has a lot of attention here, but I was more focused on guys in the background like Gildarts or Erza & Mira than him and says a lot.

Through this song you can feel Natsu's way of life:


And it's pretty cool, but I suppose I expected way too more for an ending that goes with OP 9.


ED 5

:innocent: HOLY SHINE :innocent:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (6)

A-1 Pictures, little secret: in some cases when you put pink cheeks on a character it doesn't make them cute, it makes then AWKWARD! Take Jura for example, I can't take the guy seriously anymore! Yet people like Wendy, Carla (exceed), Natsu, Lucy or Erza look pretty cute. And left-out Ichiya!

The music is decent: it isn't super bad, but at the same time Daisy x Daisy, the singer of Towa no Kizuna (OP 9) could've done better.


ED 12

:speech_balloon: YELL :speech_balloon:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (7)

"I didn't come here to see Lucy writing a book, you know!" - that was my thought for like first 25-30 seconds of the ending. And the idea isn't that bad, but it was kind of boring to watch.

The music is cool. It does put up a literature attitude to things, but this is sort of it.

Also shortest name of all endings in FT!


ED 4

:high_brightness: KIMI GA IRU KARA :high_brightness:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (8)

Dam, this ending is forgettable! The only thing I remembered before watching was... nothing! I didn't remember ANYTHING yet I remember I watched it!

Nonetheless, even though I hate the 'running sequence', my heart melted seeing it's Mira who is walking. Also chibi Fairy Tail children, who were already cute, is cuteness squared. + Cute ending with Laxus and Makarov

The music is okay, but it's really... cliché? I dunno, I didn't felt the music. Like sometimes you can feel sadness or happiness, epicness or dullness, but here... Just like Soka once said: "At least the effects were decent"


ED 13

:balloon: KIMI GA KURETE MONO :balloon:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (9)

First Mavis ending... And I wouldn't say it was super amazing, but surely isn't a bad one either. At least better than OP 13.

Mavis sinks in perfectly with the music making somewhat mysterious yet emotional atmosphere.

Mavis walking on the ocean... OK... Mavis being on the GMG stadium... Fine... Mavis standing near the guild... Just do something, please!


ED 3

:cake: GOMEN NE, WATASHI :cake:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (10)

I'm not gonna lie chibi Erza being all quite is actually cute. This opening shows both Erza's personality: strict and soldier-like; emotional and heartful.

The music is okay. The melody does suit the visuals, but it isn't the best choice for a solo listening meaning without visuals.


ED 1

:sparkles: KANPEKIGU NO NE :sparkles:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (11)

Lucy dreaming about her Prince Charming... Uh, I suppose NaLu fans forgave her for not dreaming about Natsu.

The song is on the more childish side to be quite honest. It isn't very exciting, but, oh well, it's an ending so it's forgivable (yet there are endings that you can mess up with an opening)

And here is I suppose my personal problem with the ending: TOO MANY LUCY. I mean, Natsu, Gray and Erza appeared only 15 seconds before the end! I like Lucy, but seriously, others need their screen time too!


ED 14

:star2: WE'RE THE STARS :star2:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (12)

So here it's another forgettable ending. Except chibi Lucy standing some type of sandstorm, I couldn't remember a thing. And that's just sad.

After rewatching it I figured it isn't as bad as people make up to be. Like music is sad and the lyrics tells you about how important friendship is. Visuals are also sad and make the whole picture so tear-jerking.


ED 20

:flower_playing_cards: FOREVER HERE :flower_playing_cards:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (13)


Moving picture...

But still just one picture...

Dam, A-1 Pictures, a 5-year-old can do all that!!!

Seriously, if it wasn't for an outstanding music in the background, it would've been second only to OVA ED 3!!!

As you may already figured, I love the music and surely love to listen to it sometimes, but really those visuals are absolutely horrible. At least it looks cool.


ED 15

:two_hearts: KIMI TO KARE TO BOKU :two_hearts:


🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (14)

The most NaLu ending of all!!! In the beginning Lucy is all said as if she broke up with someone, but then meeting Natsu really made her to cheer up! Natsu - saviour of broken hearts!

Also, I suppose people got an idea of Fairy Tail being a story (next thing on the blog list) from this ending. So in real life Natsu is Lucy's boyfriend and gave her a medallion with the infamous Fairy Tail symbol and that's where Lucy got inspiration to write a book about Fairy Tail.

Also the song suits perfectly. It isn't super sad, yet it's slow pace makes quite a romantic atmosphere.



:bikini: HAPPY TALE :bikini:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (15)

A song sang by Wendy, Erza and Lucy quite literally. It's wonderful beat makes me dance to it! And yet I usually fell asleep to it. Messed up a little bit.

The chibi visuals makes them so cute together like that. It makes you wanna hug 'em! Just like Kagome (Anime: Inuyasha) said: "I think I wanna... touch 'em! <...> Now that that's out of my system..." we will move to #10!


ED 17

:eight_spoked_asterisk: KIMI TO MIRAI :eight_spoked_asterisk:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (16)

Run, Lucy, run!

Ah, I love this starry atmosphere. Song's happy and energetic theme makes you wanna run along side Lucy in the Celestial Spirit World.

Also just a quick note - I find it kind of cute that the Zodiack appear in the real life order.

Other those join in the end is also fantastic and even Gajeel wasn't left out! Hail this ending Gajeel fans!


ED 22

:bear: LANDSKAPE :bear:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (17)

This ending makes me like the bond between Mavis and Zera. The song is sweet and just a personal plus - it was sang by a dude. Girly voice does miracles sometimes, but here it would ruin the whole ending.

The visual are great and it was a little bit sad to me watching ships go by and Mavis just sitting on the branch as though nobody cares about her. And Mavis/Zera scene is also pretty cool.


ED 21

:fire: AZAYAKA NA TABIJI :fire:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (18)

A showcase of which important (plot) people Natsu encountered throughout his life. Igneel, Makarov, Erza, Gray, Gildarts, Laxus, Happy, Lucy, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting with Lector and Rogue with Frosch. And then a sleepover at Lucy's.

The music isn't the catchiest on the Earth, but the slow pace creates a good story telling atmosphere so it was nice to watch it.

And comparing it to a similar FT ED 9, I believe ED 21 was done better, because the song sinks into the visuals perfectly and you can see Natsu's life in a sense, while ED 9 was too rushed in that part.


ED 2

:large_blue_circle: TSUIOKU MERRY-GO-ROUND :large_blue_circle:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (19)

Cool ending. The scene I specifically memorized was Happy soaring in the night sky with other Fairy Tail characters appearing on bubbles and stars. Gray is shirtless, but oh, well, it's Gray.

The song also has a happy and energetic vibe to it though maybe a little bit childish. I mean I wanted to Merry-Go-Round once I heard it so I danced to it. Get it?

Funny thing is that OP 2 was pretty low on the previous list, but here it is pretty high.


ED 10

:pencil2: BOYS BE AMBITIOUS :pencil2:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (20)


Oops, sorry, wrong Boys be Ambitious (I wonder if any of you guessed one of the anime openings I'm referring to) I simply love the way A-1 Pictires made this ending :heart_eyes:

So the song is pretty average. It isn't anything super catchy, but it has it's one charm. In my homeland there is such as idiom: 'Simplicity is a sister of talant'

And now for juicy visual... EVERYONE LOVED THE WAY WE SEE EVERYTHING UNTIL S-CLASS TRIAL ARC!!! Lullaby, Galuna Island, Phantom Lord, Tower of Heaven, Battle of Fairy Tail, Orasion Seís, Edolas and S-Class Trial in 1:33 minutes... Made in chibi...




:sparkle: EDI NICHIJO SANKA ~THIS PLACE~ :sparkle:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (21)

One of Lucy best... Selfies are appreciated Lucy you did a great job showing your tongue in the end... Also the scene of Lucy flying with chibi Celestial Spirits as constellations is also pretty cool. Also Lucy laying in a pile of toys is appreciated. Now everyone wants to be in Lucy's place.

The song has a nice ring to it and it's a pleasure of listening to it once in a while. It isn't super sad, but it surely kicks in my Lucy lover mode. + It was sung by Lucy' seiyu so it must be more appreciated.


ED 19

:cupid: NEVER EVER :cupid:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (22)

Here it's personal music preference. I just love the song's music. It makes me feel more comfortable or calms me down. This song also makes me feel about love or ships especially NaLu or Jerza actually. I dunno why!

And the visuals... I don't care, if they are sometimes look like hentai, I LOVE IT AND THAT'S IT! Though I have to admit that when we see Erza's boobs outline up close it does make you feel uncomfortable.


ED 18

:ribbon: DON'T LET ME DOWN! :ribbon:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (23)

:musical_note: YOU DON'T LET ME DOWN! :musical_note:

The ending with catchy song. After hearing just once, I was singing 'You don't let me down!' just everywhere even on things like tests! And this is insane!

But the visuals are not the best let's put this way. I mean I can do a slideshow of ONE picture myself and the first version which just shows us 12 Zodiac Eclipse Forms isn't the most exciting thing to watch.


ED 11

:dizzy: GLITTER :dizzy:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (24)

Lucy has so much great endings I swear! And though I'm bad with the Starry Key of Heaven arc, I absolutely adore this ending! The song is sad, yet it is sang in a less typical-slow-ending style so it surely puts up a good contrast with chibi Lucy and HURRAY there is no 'running sequence'! There is falling one, but it is at least something more creative than usual.

It also makes you feel bad for Lucy as her childhood wasn't the greatest and this opening proves it to be true.


ED 6

:couple: BE AS ONE :couple:

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (25)

This ending has so much feels! I mean this song isn't as catchy as ED 11 or ED 18, but it certainly has it's charm. And this charm is feels, 'cause OMG! The feels you get for Gray after watching it!

The only thing I didn't understand was the part when in the lyrics there is 'I always think about you' and we see chibi Natsu looking down at Gray. Gratsu confirmed!?

But all in all I love the visuals for this one, even though by this opening 'running sequence' became annoying, and they are truly on a level.

I was only surprised it was shown in Orasion Seís arc, when there was a whole arc dedicated to Gray's sad past with Ur, but I guess they thought it was unnecessary.

- :green_heart: - :purple_heart: - :yellow_heart: - :blue_heart: - :heart: - :green_heart: - :purple_heart: - :yellow_heart: - :blue_heart: - :heart: - :green_heart: - :purple_heart:

SO this concludes this list and I actually want to point out that if Be as One is my favourite FT ending, that doesn't mean it's my favourite all in all. My favourites are:

:sunny: HUNTER X HUNTER - ED 1 :sunny:

:droplet: JUST AWAKE :droplet:

:beers: NANATSU NO TAIZAI - ED 1 :beers:

:slot_machine: 7- SEVEN :slot_machine:

:crystal_ball: MAGI: KINGDOM OF MAGIC - ED 2 :crystal_ball:

:sparkles: WITH YOU/WITH ME :sparkles:


:fireworks: CANVAS :fireworks:

BTW Canvas is done by +Plus, same group that sang Fiesta (OP 6) so if you are a fan - go check it out!

:question: Thus it brings up 2 QOTD to this blog right here:




:grey_exclamation: The ones who answer both of this questions with a style might just be featured in the blog!




Jhayni: Awesome list :heart_eyes:

And I agree with a lot in #3 the song is just awesome

My favourites endings in fairy tail are

Ed 18

The song is just catchy >-<

And I love it so much

Ova Ed 1

The visuals are just awesome ,the song too

And Ed 6

The visuals and the song are OMG the feelings

And my fav in all anime is

hare hare yukai from haruhi suzumiya

This Ed is the best

The song is so catchy :heart_eyes: and OML I was dancing with it lmao :ok_hand:

And again amazing list^-^

🎹TOP 25 FAIRY TAIL ENDINGS🎹 | Fairy Tail Amino (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.